Thursday, February 3rd 2022
Friday, February 4th 2022

Thursday, February 3rd 2022

Reception, coffee

Opening of the partnership Lounge

10H30 - 10H45
Welcome and opening remarks
Norbert IFRAH, President of the French National Cancer Institute

10H45 - 11H00
Launch of the European Cancer Meeting
Frédérique VIDAL, Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, France

11H00 - 11H40
Masterclass “Access to Multidisciplinary Cancer Treatment: Is the continuum from development into healthcare becoming a reality?”
Denis LACOMBE, Chief Executive Officer, The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)

11H40 - 12H20
Masterclass “Cracking the Cancer Code”
Aina ERRANDO, Partnership and Communications Officer, European Cancer Patient Coalition

12H20 - 13H00
Masterclass “Data serving Innovation”
Philippe-Jean BOUSQUET, Director of Observation, Data Science and Assessment – French National Cancer Institute

13H00 - 14H15
Lunch break

14H15 - 14H30
Ursula VON DER LEYEN*, présidente de la Commission européenne

14H30 - 15H10
Masterclass “Better medicine for children with cancer”
Dominik KARRES, Scientific Officer, Paediatric Medicines Office, European Medicines Agency

15H10 - 15H50
Masterclass “Tobacco taxes save lives”
Anca TOMA, Director, Smoke Free Partnership

15H50 - 16H30
Masterclass “Strengthening Europe in the Fight Against Cancer”
Véronique TRILLET-LENOIR, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur of the special EP committee for beating cancer

16H30 - 17H00
Masterclass “Update on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan & EU Mission on Cancer Mission”
Joanna DRAKE, Deputy Director-General, DG Research and Innovation (RTD), European Commission
John F. RYAN, Deputy General Director, DG Health and Food Security, European Commission

End of first day

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