Dominik received his medical degree from the University Erlangen, Germany, followed by a MD in paediatric drug development. He held a training post in paediatric haematology/ oncology (University Hospital Muenster) and worked in paediatric oncology and paediatric oncology drug development in Germany and the UK (Royal Marsden Hospital & Institute of Cancer Research UK). In 2014 he joined the UKs medicines regulatory agency (MHRA) with positions in the Licensing and Post-marketing Division. Since 2018 he works as Scientific Officer at the EMAs Paediatric Medicines Office. Dominik is supporting the agency’s efforts further fostering paediatric oncology drug development. In this capacity he is also the EMAs nominee to the ACCELERATE Steering Committee, a multi-stakeholder platform aiming to facilitate the acceleration of science driven developments of paediatric oncology drugs through global cooperation and collaboration.